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sexta-feira, março 01, 2013

Ultrasnow (unlock sim card) for iOS 6.0 iPhone 4 and 3GS

If you had been waiting to upgrade to iOS 6 but did not because there was no free unlock well we have the good news for you. Ultrasnow fixer has been updated for to unlock iOS 6. Here is the guide on Ultrasow fixer unlock iOS 6 for iPhone 4, and iPhone 3GS.
Ultrasnow real logo

Ultrasnow Fixer Unlock iOS 6

Ultrasnow fixer is not the official tool developed by the iPhone Dev team. It basically is a package that works with the official Ultrasnow to unlock iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS for selected basebands, mostly those basebands which can be unlocked by the official Ultrasnow.
Until the iPhone Dev Team official releases Ultrasnow for iOS 6, this Ultrasnow fixer unlock iOS 6 will do the job for you. Ultrasnow fixer can unlock iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS on iOS 6 for selected basebands.

Ultrasnow Fixer iOS 6 works On:

iPhone 4
iPhone 3GS

Supported Basebands For iOS 6

  • 01.59.00 (iPhone 4)
  • 04.26.08 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 05.11.07 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 05.13.01 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 05.12.01 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 06.15.00 (iPhone 3GS)

Guide To Unlock iOS 6 Using Ultrasnow

Before you start proceeding with unlocking your iPhone on iOS 6, you will need to have a jailbroken iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS for this guide. If you have not already jailbroken your iPhone, you can jailbreak iPhone on iOS 6 by clicking on the link.
STEP 1: If you have jailbroken, head over to Cydia.
STEP 2: Go to Manage > Sources and tap on Edit at the top right hand corner.
STEP 3: Now add the following repo:

Ultrasnow fixer unlock iOS 6
STEP 4: Now tap on the source you just added.
STEP 5: You will be presented with a package called Ultrasnow fixer for 6.0. Simply tap on that and install it.

STEP 6: No you will need to download the official Ultrasnow.
That is it folks! Ultrasnow fixer will now unlock your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS on iOS 6!
Until we get the official ultraslow unlock this will suffice. Also do note that you will need to download the Ultrasnow fixer for iOS 6 before downloading the official one.
Although it does not cover many basebands for the iPhone 4 it is enough for those who have been preserving their baseband since the start of the iPhone. We also have cheap factory unlocking solutions you might be interested in.

Unlock iPhone on iOS 6.0.1 with UltrasnOw Fixer

Apple released iOS 6.0.1 for public few days ago, many iPhone users who use unofficial SIM card on their iPhones are asking about the ability for unlocking iOS 6.0.1. However, we don’t recommend to update to iOS 6.0.1 as it doesn’t contain major upgrades and some bug fixes, but let me show how to unlock iOS 6.0.1 for iPhone.

So far, iPhone dev-team is upgrading ultrasn0w 1.2.8 to unlock iOS 6.0.1 for iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS and they may release it on the near future. For who can’t wait, there’s an alternative solution to unlock your iPhone on iOS 6.0.1, now unltrasn0w fixer has been updated to bring compatibility to iOS 6.0.1.
Supported basebands for iPhone 4 / 3GS:
  • 01.59.00
  • 04.26.08
  • 05.11.07
  • 05.13.01
  • 05.12.01
  • 06.15.00
Note: Any iPhone user who rely on ultrasn0w or Gevey SIM unlock MUST stay away from updating to stock iOS 6.0.1 to preserve the unlockable baseband.
Unlock iPhone 5 / 4S / 4 / 3GS on iOS 6.0.1 higher basebands:
Ultrasn0w fixer nor Gevey SIM could unlock iPhone 5 / 4S, and also they couldn’t unlock iPhone 4 / 3GS on higher basebands. The only unlock solution in such cases is the iPhone IMEI factory unlock method. But first you must know the official carrier of your iPhone, as this method doesn’t support all carriers worldwide, so you can check the availability of your iPhone official carrier from here, then wait for some hours or days (depends on the carrier), then your iPhone turned to factory unlocked iPhone, so that you will be able to update to any future iOS version without fear of baseband update
How to unlock iPhone 4 / 3GS on lower basebands:
Step 1: Open Cydia
Step 2: Install the official ultasn0w.
Step 3: Add iparelhos repo. Go to Edit > Add and insert the below link:
Step 3: Now go and search for ultrasn0w fixer for iOS 6.0.1 and install it. Congratulations.

 (by http://maypalo.com)

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