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PopcornTime IOS (free netflix like app)

Popcorn-time original website: https://popcorn-time.ch/

Tuturial once your device is Jailbroken:
(if is not please follow: https://iphoneunlockpt.blogspot.com/2019/06/silzeecom-httpssilzeecom.html 
 and https://iphoneunlockpt.blogspot.com/2019/09/tethered-jailbreak-ios-12.html)

1st - Access the Github website on your iPhone


or download on your iPhone directly from here: PopcornTimeiOS.ipa 38 MB
2nd - Install through Cydia  on your iPhone the appcake repo and then the app iphonecake:  
 Click Here To Install Our Repo In Cydia:
Doubts?? folow instruction on website: https://www.iphonecake.com/install.php#install
3rd - Copy the Popcorn-time ipa downloaded from Github website on your iPhone and copy it into the imported file in Appcake and then install it and thats it.


By Donating Bitcoins to: 1KLAr3gCHKHJwsAxeYMic78Ui3wPaFCwiq