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segunda-feira, abril 29, 2013

Saurik, the creator of Cydia for iOS, has announced that he's jailbroken Google Glass.

#ifihadglass I would jailbreak it and modify the software (obviously). As Google actually sold me one; I did my part. http://cache.saurik.com/tinyimg/glassbroke.jpg

Google Glass runs Android 4.0.4, which is subject to the adb restore race condition; com.google.glass.logging fits the needed configuration.

No word yet on any other plans saurik has for Google Glass but stay tuned! You may also want to check out the first unboxing videos of Google Glass.

 BY http://www.iclarified.com/29515/saurik-jailbreaks-google-glass-photo
By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

quinta-feira, abril 18, 2013

video Iphone 6 Concept

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!


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