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terça-feira, março 26, 2013

iPhone 6

Um possível look do novo iPhone 6. Um prótotipo exemplificativo do que poderá ser o novo telemóvel da Apple! Está ansioso pela chegada deste telemóvel?

Então fique com este artigo:


iPhone 6 Specifications. Surprise, Surprise!!!
It is fact so that we always have to anticipate for the next development in the technology. For you the iPhone lovers, it is the time to anticipate the latest product of iPhone.

All people cannot wait for iPhone 6 Specifications. You must know that iPhone is modern and smart gadget that offers you all in one in one gadget only. You can get everything in very easy way. You can do your business by using your iPhone 6. You don’t need to worry because iPhone 5 has already fulfilled your needs and you must imagine what will be offered by New iPhone 6. It must be great iPhone for you.

The evolution of the smartphone company Apple starting from iPhone 2G and ending with the penultimate model 5, easy to probe. After the first iPhone (2007) came his plastic (oops Samsung Galaxy S4 in 2013 =plastic) counterpart with 3G-network support. Next was released iPhone 3GS with featuring new camera, increasing the speed and oleophobic screen coating, and then came the era of the two best-selling iPhone 4/4S. And now new Age with iPhone 5. With unique Retina-display, high-quality glass and aluminum body interspersed with advanced online application store. They quickly and permanently became the Standard product in the market of phones.

You saw the Samsung Galaxy S4 come out last week, that shows you the innovation cards are up for grabs. What is lacking in Samsung Galaxy S4 is a killer feature. I think that’s where Apple will surprise this year. I think iPhone 5S (or iPhone 6) cycle this year will be about a killer feature that drives consumers increasingly to the platform, and that increases the value of those 500 million accounts.

(by gdeluxe.com)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

quarta-feira, março 13, 2013

Evasion IOS 7 Incoming!!


Evasi0n iOS 7 Jailbreak Untethered. Confirmed. – NEW EVASi0N EXPLOITS FOR iOS 7 JAILBREAK UNTETHERED.

The team of hackers that calls themselves the evad3rs say they actually had a full exploit capable of removing all the security restrictions on iOS 6.1 devices working more than a month ago, but chose not to release it until they could replace many of the components of the hack with less valuable exploits, reserving the more powerful techniques for future projects.
Even if we could only find another one or two more [bugs], we’d still have at least one more jailbreak left in us,” planetbeing. “It’s getting harder. But there are still a lot of vulnerabilities left.”

When it was all said and done, David Wang (aka planetbeing) says that the evad3rs were able to swap out all of their major exploits with lower-value hacks—except for one bug used to execute code in the iOS device kernel.
Wang says that while the exploits it has in reserve don’t necessarily add up to a jailbreak, he feels confident that with more research, they’ll be able to hack the next version of iOS—something folks have become skeptical about.
(by gdeluxe.com)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

quinta-feira, março 07, 2013

Visitem as nossas novas páginas no blog:
  • As Melhores Sources do Cydia 
  • iPad Ipa
By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

segunda-feira, março 04, 2013

These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, or iPad mini on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1 using Evasi0n for Mac.

Boa noite,

Hoje tenho uma excelente noticia para vocês acabei de receber o meu ipad 4. Vou colocar como se faz o seu jailbreak vou tentar fazê-lo tb hoje. 
Colocareias fotos se for bem sucedido. 

Aqui vai! Boa Sorte!

Para quem tem Mac:

These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, or iPad mini on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1 using Evasi0n for Mac.

Step One
Ensure your iPad is on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1 then perform a backup of your iPad using these instructions.

Step Two
Create a folder called Pwnage on your desktop and download the Evasi0n utility into the folder. You can find download links for Evasi0n here.

Step Three
Double click the Evasi0n dmg file from the Pwnage folder on your desktop to mount it.

Step Four
Drag the Evasi0n application from the mounted dmg into the Pwnage folder on your desktop.

Step Five
Right click (or Control+Click) the Evasi0n app icon then select Open from the contextual menu to launch the application. If prompted to confirm, click the Open button again.

Step Six
Ensure your iPad is connected to the computer via a USB cable if you haven't already.

Step Seven
Remove any lock screen passcodes on your device then click the Jailbreak button to begin.

Step Eight
The app will retrieve information from the device to generate jailbreak data, inject stage 1 jailbreak data, reboot the device, wait for the device to be ready, inject stage 2 jailbreak data, upload Cydia, and upload the Cydia packages list.

Step Nine
You will then be asked to unlock your device and tap the new 'Jailbreak' app icon. It is imperative that you only tap the icon once. The app will open and immediately close.

Step Ten
Evasi0n will then inject the remount payload, remount the root filesystem, prepare the final jailbreak data, inject the final jailbreak data, and complete!

Step Eleven
Your iPad will now reboot with Cydia on the SpringBoard!


Para quem tem Windows:

These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, or iPad mini on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1 using Evasi0n for Windows.

Step One
Ensure your iPad is on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1 then perform a backup of your iPad using these instructions.

Step Two
Create a folder called Pwnage on your desktop and download the Evasi0n utility into the folder. You can find download links for Evasi0n here.

Step Three
Extract the Evasi0n zip file to the Pwnage folder on your desktop.

Step Four
Double click the newly created evasi0n-win folder to open it.

Step Five
Right click the Evasi0n exe icon then select Run as Administrator from the contextual menu to launch the application.

Step Six
Ensure your iPad is connected to the computer via a USB cable if you haven't already.

Step Seven
Remove any lock screen passcodes on your device then click the Jailbreak button to begin.

Step Eight
The app will retrieve information from the device to generate jailbreak data, inject stage 1 jailbreak data, reboot the device, wait for the device to be ready, inject stage 2 jailbreak data, upload Cydia, and upload the Cydia packages list.

Step Nine
You will then be asked to unlock your device and tap the new 'Jailbreak' app icon. It is imperative that you only tap the icon once. The app will open and immediately close.

Step Ten
Evasi0n will then inject the remount payload, remount the root filesystem, prepare the final jailbreak data, inject the final jailbreak data, and complete!

Step Eleven
Your iPad will now reboot with Cydia on the SpringBoard!

(by iClarified) 

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

sexta-feira, março 01, 2013

Ultrasnow (unlock sim card) for iOS 6.0 iPhone 4 and 3GS

If you had been waiting to upgrade to iOS 6 but did not because there was no free unlock well we have the good news for you. Ultrasnow fixer has been updated for to unlock iOS 6. Here is the guide on Ultrasow fixer unlock iOS 6 for iPhone 4, and iPhone 3GS.
Ultrasnow real logo

Ultrasnow Fixer Unlock iOS 6

Ultrasnow fixer is not the official tool developed by the iPhone Dev team. It basically is a package that works with the official Ultrasnow to unlock iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS for selected basebands, mostly those basebands which can be unlocked by the official Ultrasnow.
Until the iPhone Dev Team official releases Ultrasnow for iOS 6, this Ultrasnow fixer unlock iOS 6 will do the job for you. Ultrasnow fixer can unlock iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS on iOS 6 for selected basebands.

Ultrasnow Fixer iOS 6 works On:

iPhone 4
iPhone 3GS

Supported Basebands For iOS 6

  • 01.59.00 (iPhone 4)
  • 04.26.08 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 05.11.07 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 05.13.01 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 05.12.01 (iPhone 3GS)
  • 06.15.00 (iPhone 3GS)

Guide To Unlock iOS 6 Using Ultrasnow

Before you start proceeding with unlocking your iPhone on iOS 6, you will need to have a jailbroken iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS for this guide. If you have not already jailbroken your iPhone, you can jailbreak iPhone on iOS 6 by clicking on the link.
STEP 1: If you have jailbroken, head over to Cydia.
STEP 2: Go to Manage > Sources and tap on Edit at the top right hand corner.
STEP 3: Now add the following repo:

Ultrasnow fixer unlock iOS 6
STEP 4: Now tap on the source you just added.
STEP 5: You will be presented with a package called Ultrasnow fixer for 6.0. Simply tap on that and install it.

STEP 6: No you will need to download the official Ultrasnow.
That is it folks! Ultrasnow fixer will now unlock your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS on iOS 6!
Until we get the official ultraslow unlock this will suffice. Also do note that you will need to download the Ultrasnow fixer for iOS 6 before downloading the official one.
Although it does not cover many basebands for the iPhone 4 it is enough for those who have been preserving their baseband since the start of the iPhone. We also have cheap factory unlocking solutions you might be interested in.

Unlock iPhone on iOS 6.0.1 with UltrasnOw Fixer

Apple released iOS 6.0.1 for public few days ago, many iPhone users who use unofficial SIM card on their iPhones are asking about the ability for unlocking iOS 6.0.1. However, we don’t recommend to update to iOS 6.0.1 as it doesn’t contain major upgrades and some bug fixes, but let me show how to unlock iOS 6.0.1 for iPhone.

So far, iPhone dev-team is upgrading ultrasn0w 1.2.8 to unlock iOS 6.0.1 for iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS and they may release it on the near future. For who can’t wait, there’s an alternative solution to unlock your iPhone on iOS 6.0.1, now unltrasn0w fixer has been updated to bring compatibility to iOS 6.0.1.
Supported basebands for iPhone 4 / 3GS:
  • 01.59.00
  • 04.26.08
  • 05.11.07
  • 05.13.01
  • 05.12.01
  • 06.15.00
Note: Any iPhone user who rely on ultrasn0w or Gevey SIM unlock MUST stay away from updating to stock iOS 6.0.1 to preserve the unlockable baseband.
Unlock iPhone 5 / 4S / 4 / 3GS on iOS 6.0.1 higher basebands:
Ultrasn0w fixer nor Gevey SIM could unlock iPhone 5 / 4S, and also they couldn’t unlock iPhone 4 / 3GS on higher basebands. The only unlock solution in such cases is the iPhone IMEI factory unlock method. But first you must know the official carrier of your iPhone, as this method doesn’t support all carriers worldwide, so you can check the availability of your iPhone official carrier from here, then wait for some hours or days (depends on the carrier), then your iPhone turned to factory unlocked iPhone, so that you will be able to update to any future iOS version without fear of baseband update
How to unlock iPhone 4 / 3GS on lower basebands:
Step 1: Open Cydia
Step 2: Install the official ultasn0w.
Step 3: Add iparelhos repo. Go to Edit > Add and insert the below link:
Step 3: Now go and search for ultrasn0w fixer for iOS 6.0.1 and install it. Congratulations.

 (by http://maypalo.com)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

A chegar Jailbreak iOS 7

The team of hackers that calls themselves the Evad3rs say they actually had a full exploit capable of removing all the security restrictions on iOS 6.1 devices working more than a month ago, but chose not to release it until they could replace many of the components of the hack with less valuable exploits, reserving the more powerful techniques for future projects.
Even if we could only find another one or two more [bugs], we’d still have at least one more jailbreak left in us,” planetbeing. “It’s getting harder. But there are still a lot of vulnerabilities left.”

Complete Interview With Planetbeing (Member Of Evad3rs Jailbreak Team):
1. Has Apple ever contacted you, or the evad3rs, for any reason (outside of regular business that Apple conducts with its customers/developers)?
Yes. I got a job offer once. As far as I know, all jailbreaker interactions with Apple have been pretty positive, especially in contrast with what companies like Sony apparently do.
I didn’t take it for personal and logistical reasons. At the time I was in Canada with a complicated visa situation. It wasn’t a solid offer anyway. I’m sure
I’d’ve had to interview, etc., first but I didn’t choose to get much into the process at all.
2. How do you feel the future of jailbreaking looks based on how long this release took? Do you think Apple will ever just release an open iOS?
It’s hard to say. Apple has successfully mitigated many vectors of attack in iOS 6. In this current jailbreak, we “evaded” Apple’s mitigations in the userland with several vulnerabilities I would perhaps characterize as “lame”, since these mistakes are a throwback to earlier days of iOS jailbreaking where we primarily used filesystem tricks. We only attacked Apple’s hardened security head-on in the kernel. “Lame” vulnerabilities tend to be hard to find, however, so it’s likely the next jailbreak will be tougher. That said, we also retain a few tricks that may or may not help in the future. Who knows what the weight of each factor should be when trying to determine how long the next jailbreak will take.
I think the ship has sailed for Apple to consider shipping an open iOS. The furthest they might have gone was perhaps allowing you to unlock the bootloader like the Google Nexus phones. However, I don’t think they currently have a compelling reason to.
3. I understand that the AppleTV jailbreak are usually an afterthought compared to iPhones/iPads/iPods, but do you ever see it becoming a priority or a focus?
Personally, I only work on stuff that I own and use. For example, when I was in Canada and someone sent me an American locked iPhone 4, I worked really hard on an unlock for it. I don’t really see the appeal of an Apple TV at all so it’s not something I’d likely work on, particularly since the injection part would be significantly harder anyway.
Nothing is impossible, it’s just that some things fall below the intersection of difficulty and level of interest for people.
4. What is your opinion on what future iOS versions will bring? Mainly thinking of widgets supported natively (similar to Android).
When I first saw the SBWeeApp interface and Notification Center, I thought for sure they’d have some way to let AppStore apps add to it. However, the primary issue is that all the widgets currently reside in a single process, which means they’re very likely to be able to interfere with each other. In something like the AppStore ecosystem, the probability approaches 1 and there could be a lot of problems. Compounded with this is the fact that that process is SpringBoard, which is the entire shell for iOS, so any problems are rather catastrophic (tweaks crashing SpringBoard is never fun!).
However, they are apparently working on compartmentalizing SpringBoard (it used to be the window manager for the OS as well) and perhaps there’s a way to host different views that are actually controlled by separate processes, so it might be possible in the future. Another possibility is some widgets that are primarily determined by property lists or something, similar to how the Settings app works.
5. What are the plans for when iOS 7 comes out? Does the team plan on having more people on board to find any vulnerabilities that the new firmware may have in store?
When iOS 7 comes out, we’ll study it and see what we can do of course. You can’t really plan on “having more people on board”. It’s a specialized game with a steep learning curve that you can’t grab people off the street for. Certainly anyone who actually has sufficient ability to find and/or exploit a vulnerability can help by just sharing their findings.
6. Where do jailbreaks usually begin? Is it methodical as in “let’s look for a foot in the door?” Or something such as “We have these vulnerabilities, what do we need to get something working?” Or just fuzzing. What tools are involved in the jailbreak development process? For someone who would like to “get into” jailbreaking because of interest what would be a good place to start? (As far as articles and books go)
Honestly, for me, it’s usually when someone drops a lead in my lap or pod2g chases me down and asks me to do some work improving something he’s already got. This recent iteration I found a lot of stuff on accident in the process of trying to get other stuff to work. Finding vulnerabilities is not usually fun for me though, exploitation is.
fxr.watson.org, opensource.apple.com, IDA, vim, clang, an existing jailbreak with OpenSSH.
Start by reading about existing jailbreaks and how they work. Perhaps try to rewrite an existing exploit another way, or improving it somehow. (I know the kernel exploit still can be improved, I’m planning to get to it one of these weekends). Make small achievable goals and work/study hard to accomplish those. There’s going to a lot of stuff you won’t understand at first, but there’s also a lot of publicly available information, and the process of piecing that together and/or experimenting until you get it is more helpful than if someone just told you.
7. I heard that when you were in the process of jailbreaking the iPhone 5, you actually had successfully jailbroken already, but you were looking for another exploit, so you didn’t have to reveal this ‘better’ one to apple. So my questions are, have you done this before in the past?
We always like to do this, but sometimes the bugs get closed anyway, but it’s a lot better than having to exploit a device blind. Exploitation is like having to shoot a bullet through a pinhole into a room the size of a football stadium at a target inside. Except you also have to make sure the bullet ricochets off five different other targets before it hits your final target. That’s hard enough but imagine doing it without knowing where the targets are in the room.
Third party software is filled with bugs, but they’re not useful unless they’re shipped with iOS (like racoon, for example). If they are shipped with iOS, then Apple usually vets them anyway. App Store app bugs are not useful since Apple can always pull the app before the jailbreak gets very far. Plus, I think it’s kind of mean to do that to some random developer.

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

Jailbreak Untethered iOS 6x

Faça o Jailbreak do seu iPhone 5 ou 4 ou 4s com o sistema iOS 6X. Os links para o download do programa Evasi0n 1.5 estão abaixo:


iOS 6.1.2 Jailbreak Untethered:
Linux LINK
Windows LINK

iOS 6.1.2 Jailbreak Untethered:
Linux LINK
Windows LINK
iOS 6.1.1 Jailbreak Untethered:
Linux LINK
Windows LINK
iOS 6.1 Jailbreak Untethered:
Linux LINK
Windows LINK

Windows LINK

Windows LINK
Linux LINK
Windows LINK

Windows LINK

Windows LINK

(by http://gdeluxe.com)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!


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