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segunda-feira, janeiro 13, 2014

Jailbreak IOS 7 1.0.4


Tenho o prazer de vos apresentar o novo Evasion IOS 7 1.0.4 o programa que permite fazer o jailbreak do seu iDevice com o IOS 7.

A partir de agora pode instalar, gerir o seu dispositivo de forma livre.
Com este programa retira todo e qualquer bloqueio da Apple. 

Para instalar este programa no seu mac ou pc tem os links abaixo:

Server OS Version Link
box.com Mac OS X 1.0.4 SHA1: 879060a10942011da7ad5697e65122de6e25a3a1
box.com Windows 1.0.4 SHA1: 3ef7cb618288a9ff1220a71a2f887e21779c3a16

Lembre-se que este programa não tem virus, é grátis, faz este desbloqueio à sua responsabilidade.

Antes de o fazer faça um back up do seu iDevice.   

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

Our other Blog: http://aquahobbie.blogspot.pt/

Visit Also our site www.commurrency.org

sábado, janeiro 04, 2014

Jailbreak Your Apple TV 2G Using Seas0nPass (Windows) [5.2] e lista de firmware (em construção)

*Before beginning this tutorial you must have already installed the Microsoft .Net Framework which can be found here.

Step One
Download the latest version of SeasonPass from here.

Step Two
Extract the archive you downloaded. Then double click the extracted application to launch it.

Step Three
Click the Create IPSW button from the main screen.

Step Four
Seas0nPass will now download the latest Apple TV firmware file

Step Five
Seas0nPass will create a custom IPSW file for you.

Step Six
Once your custom IPSW file has been created, Seas0nPass will ask you to connect the Apple TV to your computer via a micro-USB cable and use the remote to put it into DFU mode by holding MENU and PLAY/PAUSE for 7 seconds. The power cable should be unplugged during this process. Tip: Connect the usb cable and press the buttons down at the exact same time.

Step Seven
Once your Apple TV has been detected in DFU mode, Seas0nPass will upload some files, ask you if its okay to automatically restore firmware, and then beginning restoring to the new firmware.

Step Ten
That's it! Your Apple TV is jailbroken!

Lista de Firmware Apple TV:

6.0.2 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_6.0.2_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
6.0.2 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_6.0.2_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
6.0.2 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_6.0.2_11B554a_Restore.ipsw

1.0.0: OS-dot-DMG 1.0.dmg
1.1.0: 2Z694-5248-45.dmg
2.0.0: 2Z694-5274-109.dmg
2.0.1: 2Z694-5387-25.dmg
2.0.2: 2Z694-5428-3.dmg
2.1.0: 2Z694-5485-1.dmg
2.2.0: 2Z694-5499.dmg
2:3:0: 2Z694-5573-24.dmg
2.3.1: 2Z694-5587-18.dmg
2.4.0: 2Z694-5660-029.dmg
3.0.0: 2Z694-5789-067.dmg
3.0.1: 2Z694-6004-003.dmg
3.0.2: 2Z694-6013-013.dmg
4.1.0: AppleTV2,1_4.1_8M89_Restore.ipsw
4.2.0: AppleTV2,1_4.2_8C150_Restore.ipsw
4.2.1: AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0: AppleTV2,1_4.3_8F191m_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0 (Build 8F202): AppleTV2,1_4.3_8F202_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0 (Build 8F305): AppleTV2,1_4.3_8F305_Restore.ipsw
4.3.0 (Build 8F455): AppleTV2,1_4.3_8F455_Restore.ipsw
4.4.0: AppleTV2,1_4.4_9A334v_Restore.ipsw
4.4.1: AppleTV2,1_4.4.1_9A335a_Restore.ipsw
4.4.2: AppleTV2,1_4.4.2_9A336a_Restore.ipsw
4.4.3: AppleTV2,1_4.4.3_9A405l_Restore.ipsw
4.4.4: AppleTV2,1_4.4.4_9A406a_Restore.ipsw
5.0.0 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.0_9B179b_Restore.ipsw
5.0.0 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.0_9B179b_Restore.ipsw
5.0.0 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.0_9B206f_Restore.ipsw
5.0.0 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.0_9B206f_Restore.ipsw
5.0.2 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.0.2_9B830_Restore.ipsw
5.0.2 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.0.2_9B830_Restore.ipsw
5.1.0 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.1_10A406e_Restore.ipsw
5.1.0 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.1_10A406e_Restore.ipsw
5.1.1 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.1.1_10A831_Restore.ipsw
5.1.1 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.1.1_10A831_Restore.ipsw
5.2.0 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.2_10B144b_Restore.ipsw
5.2.0 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.2_10B144b_Restore.ipsw
5.2.0 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_5.2_10B144b_Restore.ipsw
5.2.1 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.2.1_10B329a_Restore.ipsw
5.2.1 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.2.1_10B329a_Restore.ipsw
5.2.1 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_5.2.1_10B329a_Restore.ipsw
5.3 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_5.3_10B809_Restore.ipsw
5.3 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_5.3_10B809_Restore.ipsw
5.3 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_5.3_10B809_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_6.0_11A470e_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_6.0_11A470e_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_6.0_11A470e_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 v2 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_6.0_11A502_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 v2 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_6.0_11A502_Restore.ipsw
6.0.0 v2 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_6.0_11A502_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_6.0.1_11B511d_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_6.0.1_11B511d_Restore.ipsw
6.0.1 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_6.0.1_11B511d_Restore.ipsw
6.0.2 (ATV 2): AppleTV2,1_6.0.2_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
6.0.2 (ATV 3): AppleTV3,1_6.0.2_11B554a_Restore.ipsw
6.0.2 (ATV 3 New): AppleTV3,2_6.0.2_11B554a_Restore.ipsw

(by iClarified)
By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

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Visit Also our site www.commurrency.org


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