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terça-feira, março 26, 2013

iPhone 6

Um possível look do novo iPhone 6. Um prótotipo exemplificativo do que poderá ser o novo telemóvel da Apple! Está ansioso pela chegada deste telemóvel?

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iPhone 6 Specifications. Surprise, Surprise!!!
It is fact so that we always have to anticipate for the next development in the technology. For you the iPhone lovers, it is the time to anticipate the latest product of iPhone.

All people cannot wait for iPhone 6 Specifications. You must know that iPhone is modern and smart gadget that offers you all in one in one gadget only. You can get everything in very easy way. You can do your business by using your iPhone 6. You don’t need to worry because iPhone 5 has already fulfilled your needs and you must imagine what will be offered by New iPhone 6. It must be great iPhone for you.

The evolution of the smartphone company Apple starting from iPhone 2G and ending with the penultimate model 5, easy to probe. After the first iPhone (2007) came his plastic (oops Samsung Galaxy S4 in 2013 =plastic) counterpart with 3G-network support. Next was released iPhone 3GS with featuring new camera, increasing the speed and oleophobic screen coating, and then came the era of the two best-selling iPhone 4/4S. And now new Age with iPhone 5. With unique Retina-display, high-quality glass and aluminum body interspersed with advanced online application store. They quickly and permanently became the Standard product in the market of phones.

You saw the Samsung Galaxy S4 come out last week, that shows you the innovation cards are up for grabs. What is lacking in Samsung Galaxy S4 is a killer feature. I think that’s where Apple will surprise this year. I think iPhone 5S (or iPhone 6) cycle this year will be about a killer feature that drives consumers increasingly to the platform, and that increases the value of those 500 million accounts.

(by gdeluxe.com)

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