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sexta-feira, setembro 21, 2012

Jailbreak IOS 6 Tutorial Tethered

jailbreak ios 6 iphone ipod touch
  1. Install iOS 6 on your device. You will need to know the location of the IPSW firmware file and if you are using a Mac, you can find it in /Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates/ if you updated using iTunes. You can download iOS 6 from here if you don’t have it.
  2. Connect the device to your computer and place it in the DFU mode.
  3. Download RedSn0w 0.9.13dev4.
  4. Run RedSn0w. Go to extras, select IPSW, select your iOS 6 firmware file and it should then identify your firmware.
  5. Click on back and then click on jailbreak. A dialogue box will come up with “preparing jailbreak data” followed by a page with more options. Make sure you have ‘Install SSH’ is checked and then click next.
  6. The iPhone will go through the jailbreak process.
  7. Once complete, place the device back into DFU mode.
  8. Click back, and click just boot. A pineapple logo should appear on the device, which means it’s a tethered boot. Once you are back on your lockscreen, you can close RedSn0w.
Installing Cydia
  1. On your iDevice, go to Settings, Wi-Fi, and click the arrow next to the connected Wi-Fi router. Look up your IP address for your Wi-Fi connection.
  2. You will also need a computer that is on the same network and with it open the terminal app.
  3. Write ‘ssh root@(insert your iDevice’s ip address here)’ e.g: ssh root@
  4. After a couple of seconds, it should connect and will ask you for your iDevice’s password. Type in “alpine”
  5. Once connected, you will need paste the following code into the terminal:
  6. “wget -q -O /tmp/cyinstall.sh http://downloads.kr1sis.net/cyinstall.sh && chmod 755 /tmp/cyinstall.sh && /tmp/cyinstall.sh”
(by http://jailbreaklegend.com)


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