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domingo, fevereiro 10, 2013

Iphone 5S

It looks like the rumors about releasing a new iPhone 5S/6 are spreading quickly, today we’re adding another point for the first and last theories. A new report out of China claims that both a familiar-looking iPhone 5S, and an all new iPhone 6 with a near-5-inch display have been spotted in one of Apple’s supplier factories…

Investor site BrightWire (via MacRumors) translates the report from Chinese mobile site Laoyaoba.com:
“A source told Chinese mobile phone information site Laoyaoba.com that he has seen the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 at Apple’s suppliers. Both models may be released in 2013, according to the website’s microblog on Thursday evening. The source noted that the iPhone 5S resembles the iPhone 5, and the five-inch iPhone 6 is lighter and thinner.”
(by Jailbreaknow)

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