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quarta-feira, outubro 31, 2012

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By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

terça-feira, outubro 30, 2012

Conan O'Brien iPad mini mega max

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

segunda-feira, outubro 29, 2012

iPad mini Commercial!

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

quarta-feira, outubro 24, 2012

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

terça-feira, outubro 23, 2012

Os resultados do aplicativo Manga-Camera, criado pela empresa japonesa SuperSoftware, são impressionantes. O aplicativo para iPhone transforma em manga tudo o que toca. Uma foto, uns filtros e o mundo que nos rodeia muda por completo.

manga-camera aplicativo para iphone
Aplicativo para iPhone: Manga-camera

Manga-Camera em poucos dias se tornou em um fenômeno de downloads na comunidade nipônica. Com pouco mais de duas semanas atingiu a primeira posição no ranking da Apple Store e foi baixada por mais e dois milhões de pessoas. No momento está disponível apenas para iPhone.

aplicativo para iphone manga-camera
Manga-camera: aplicativo para iPhone transforma fotos em manga japonês

O aplicativo gratuito, intuitivo e divertido, permite personalizar fotos com filtros distintos. Também é possível modificar a luminosidade da imagem. Cores, apenas o preto e branco. Além disso, depois de se divertir pode compartilhar no Twitter e no Facebook. Para muitos, Manga-camera é o Instagram dos amantes do manga

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

segunda-feira, outubro 22, 2012

Fotos do novo Mac Book Pro 13'

Boas, trago-vos as fotos mais recentes do novo portátil da Apple. Tem entrada HDMI, maior resolução ecran retina, etc...

(by iClarified)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

IOS 6 Jailbreak Satus

Bom dia,

Hoje trago-vos o estado oficial (oficial status) do Jailbreak final (untethered) do sistema IOS6 dos vários dispositivos da Apple.

Este desbloqueio da protecção Apple permite não só a utilização do seu dispositivo como uma pen, ou seja tem total liberdade de instalar qq produto de qualquer empresa ou privado, para além da personalização livre do IOS6. A maior vantagem é não pagar qq tipo de aplicação.

Depois de desbloqueado pode ter acesso a todos os ficheiros do telemóvel iPhone através do iFun que pode encontrar na nossa página de jailbreak, tal como descarregar as aplicações atraves do site www.apptrackr.cd/.

E instalá-las atravéd do installous.

iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPhone 5 – Not Yet Supported
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPhone 4S – Not Yet Supported
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPhone 4 – Only tethered
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPhone 3GS – Only tethered
iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered iPad 3, iPad 2
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPad 3 – Not Yet Supported
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPad 2 – Not Yet Supported

iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered iPod Touch 5G, iPod Touch 4G
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPod Touch 5G – Not Yet Supported
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G – Only tethered

iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered Apple TV 3, AppleTV 2
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak AppleTV 3 – Not Yet Supported
  • iOS 6 Jailbreak AppleTV 2 – Not Yet Supported


P.S. All iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered tools são de graça. Nunca pagues.

(by http://gdeluxe.com/ios-6-jailbreak-status/)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

sexta-feira, outubro 19, 2012

Discurso arrebatador

Bom dia,

Hoje um pouco ao lado do objectivo deste Blog. Apresemto este vídeo como sinal de indignação e em apoio a este senhor que pelo que sei é uma das poucas pessoas que apoia as ideias deste povo oprimido pelo sistema que é o Europeu.

Longe de mim influenciar qualquer crença política, mas creio que ele vai ao cerne das questões, do problema Europeu e que merece ser tido em conta.

Na realidade funcionamos numa democracia de fachada, ou seja numa democracia real deveriamos poder votar, eleger todos os nossos representantes.

Ou seja a nível Europeu, deveriamos poder votar nas pessoas e não nos partidos políticos.

O que se verifica na realidade é o oposto!! Votamos em partidos que por sua vez elegem por nós amigos, colegas, interesses para nos governar.

Este é o primeiro problema, o segundo prende-se com a hegemonia Alemã e Francesa. Parece que voltamos á monarquia e que esses países são os senhores feudais e que os restantes europeus são membros do povo que vivem pura e simplesmente para alimentá-los.

Se não vejamos, quando Portugal entrou para a UE foi com a premissa de melhorar com a ajuda dos restantes membros. Com subsídios que são pequenas esmolas perto do que nos tiraram. Se não, observemos:

1- reduziram a nossa área de pesca marítima
2-reduziram as quotas de produção de leite
2-reduziram as quotas de produção agrícola

Para quê?

Para a Alemanha, França, Espanha escoarem os seus produtos!

Então em vez de ganharmos algo perdemos ou não?

O que são subsídios ao pé de anos de importação de laranja e de presunto espanhol feito com porcos criados no Alentejo apelidado de pata negra?

Como dizem na RFM e passo a citar: "Vale a pena pensar nisto!"

O famoso video:

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

quinta-feira, outubro 18, 2012

Novo Angry Birds Star Wars sai a dia 8 de Novembro!!!!!

Para mais informações clique na imagem!

Faça o download em Apptrackr!

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

Boas apenas hoje a Apple disponibiliza grátis o Jogo Carmageddon na Apple Store! Aproveitem!

(by iClarified)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

quarta-feira, outubro 17, 2012

A Apple irá dar uma conferência no dia 23 deste mês com o possível anuncio da data de saída do novo iPad o iPad mini.

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!

terça-feira, outubro 16, 2012

Grande melhoria do Redsn0w

Restoration reinvigoration 

Today we’re pleased to release redsn0w version 0.9.15b1, with significant new features supporting restoring to older firmware no longer being signed by Apple.  For brevity, we’ll list most of the new features in bullet form.  For more details, please feel free to drop by our comments section, or check out any upcoming guides on tutorial sites like http://iclarified.com
First, the high-level new feature list:
  • restore from any 5.x iOS to any other (up, down or the same) 5.x iOS on all devices as long as you have the correct blobs (see more below)
  • Cydia now included in the tethered 6.0 jailbreak on A4 devices
  • automatically “Just Boot” tethered when qualifying A4 device connects in DFU mode
  • untethered 6.0 jailbreak on old-bootrom 3GS
  • untethered 6.0 hactivation on any 3GS or iPhone4
  • directly restore pre-A5 devices to earlier firmware — no more complicated 15-step how-to’s with stitching, iTunes errors, and “hosts file” concerns
  • fetch new signed blobs for any IPSW (present or future — no redsn0w update required) using Extras->SHSH Blobs->New
  • block the BB update for any 3GS or iPhone4 restore (past, present, or future — no redsn0w update required) using Extras->Even More->Restore
  • deactivate any iPhone, useful for testing your “official” unlock status through iTunes.  (Please only deactivate your own iPhone!)
  • activation status shown on “Even more” page
  • significantly more (very nerdy) info returned by “Identify” button when device is in Normal mode
  • tethered jailbreak of ATV2 supported (but the only thing available for it is the SSH2 custom bundle available here — no Cydia yet.  Must use “Select IPSW” for tethered boot of ATV2 for now).
  • auto-exit WTF mode for older devices with broken buttons
  • any time a set of blobs is fetched remotely (from Apple or Cydia), redsn0w also saves them locally (and will check there first if you click “Local”)
  • for your future restoring convenience, you should also submit all of your past and present TinyUmbrella blobs to Cydia if you haven’t done so yet.  Resubmitting is okay and won’t cause conflicts.
Here are more details on the iOS5-to-iOS5 restores for A5+ devices.  (Note: pre-A5 devices don’t have these restrictions — just follow the redsn0w prompts during the restore).
1. redsn0w now lets you restore an A5+ device from any iOS5 to any other iOS5 as long as you have correct 5.x blobs for the starting (current) and ending points of the restore
  • APtickets eliminated “higher-version only” comparison of firmware restores (just like BBtickets did for the baseband)
  • example restores supported by redsn0w if you have the correct blobs: 5.1.1-to-5.0.1, 5.0.1-to-5.1.1, 5.1.1-to-5.1.1, 5.0.1-to-5.0.1
  • if you don’t have the blobs locally, let redsn0w try to fetch them remotely (redsn0w always tries both Apple and Cydia).  Any succesful remote fetch also saves a local copy too.
2. You DO NOT QUALIFY for iOS5-to-iOS5 restores if you got to your current 5.x via an OTA update
  • the tickets saved by Cydia, redsn0w, and TinyUmbrella do not cover OTA update ramdisk images 
  • even if they did, it’s the “wrong kind” of ramdisk (you’d need to start at that earlier pre-OTA FW)
  • devices fresh from factory or refurb may fall in the “does not qualify” category (your results will vary)
  • it’s okay if you previously got to 5.x via an OTA update, as long as your current 5.x was installed via a normal iTunes restore.  All that matters is how you got to your current 5.x most recently
  • redsn0w detects an OTA/normal-restore APticket mismatch very early, so if you don’t know your status there should be no harm in trying.  Any device in recovery mode after such a mismatch can boot normally again just by going back to “Even More” screen from the “Restore” screen (or use “Recovery Fix” if you quit redsn0w before doing that).
3. Unlike the A4 devices, redsn0w can’t (usefully) prevent the baseband updates of A5+ iPhones and iPads.
  • and so, redsn0w automatically flashes the currently signed baseband when it does A5+ restores, even if those basebands didn’t come with the original firmware
  • stay away from this if you have an unofficial unlock that isn’t supported by the newest baseband
  • the least-tested baseband update code in redsn0w is for iPad2,3 and iPad3,2.  Please give any feedback on those iOS5 restores in the comments section below.
4. iPad2 owners (all three models) with saved 4.x blobs can use those instead, even from 6.x
  • if you have both 4.x and 5.x iPad2 blobs, you can always get to 5.x via the 4.x blobs, even if you’re currently on 6.x
  • you cannot get to 5.x from 6.x without the 4.x blobs (but you may still qualify for the iOS5-to-iOS5 restore described above)
  • if somehow you have 4.x blobs but no 5.x blobs, you can still go down to 4.x from 6.x
  • this only applies to iPad2 owners (they’re the only A5+ devices that ever had a public 4.x FW)
  • redsn0w still supports (but doesn’t require) jailbreaking A5+ devices at 5.0.1 and 5.1.1.  Just head back to the first page after re-restoring to 5.x.  It’s always much faster to jailbreak those FW versions with a freshly-restored device, before letting iTunes restore from a saved userland backup.
And finally, some random details:
5. ultrasn0w isn’t yet updated for 6.x
  • by now you probably should be taking advantage of the extremely cheap IMEI-based unlocks of iPhones sold by established online retailers like http://cutyoursim.com
  • still, IMEI-based unlocks don’t work in all cases.  We’ll announce when ultrasn0w is ported up to 6.x
  • redsn0w will still hactivate your 3GS or iPhone4 if you run it before the device is activated.  Due to the current tethered 6.x JB status, redsn0w now hactivates 6.x without requiring subsequent tethered boots.  If you accidentally hactivate with redsn0w, use the “Deactivate” checkbox available from the Jailbreak screen, not the normal one in “Even more”
6. As always, redsn0w lets you “Fetch” the SHSH blobs currently flashed onto your pre-A5 device
  • use this if you’re at 5.x or 4.x but without having saved your blobs when the window was open
  • this is only useful when Apple is no longer signing the firmware, otherwise Cydia/redsn0w “New”/TinyUmbrella blobs are superior (but you’re welcome to fetch your 6.0 blobs this way anyway)
  • fetching blobs in this fashion will automatically forward them up to Cydia, as well as save a local copy
We realize there’s a lot of info in this post.  If you’re at all confused about things remember to visit our comments section, with our very helpful user base and moderators like dhlizard, Frank55, 41willys, and slavakulikoff.
If you’re in the Melbourne, Australia area, MuscleNerd (and another anonymous long-time Dev Team member) will be giving some talks at the Breakpoint conference http://www.ruxconbreakpoint.com this week.  And @mdowd’s iOS talk at the same conference should be quite interesting too!  We’ll also all be attending Ruxcon a few days later, so say hi if you see us!

Update #1 (Oct 15): Version 0.9.15b2 fixes a few issues for 3GS owners: old-bootrom awesomeness is no longer forgotten directly after a restore, and iPad baseband upgrade/downgrade support is fixed (same production date cutoffs apply!).  If your 3GS is currently tethered at 6.0 even though you have an old bootrom, just re-run redsn0w’s Jailbreak step (no need to restore).  Don’t forget you can add some pizzaz with your own boot logo or a nerdy verbose boot. Here are the download links.  Enjoy!
(by Dev Team)


● How to Manually Submit Your Saved SHSH Blobs to Cydia (Windows, Mac)
● How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4 Using RedSn0w [6.0] (
Windows, Mac)
● How to Jailbreak Your iPod Touch 4G Using RedSn0w [6.0] (
Windows, Mac]
● How to Re-Restore Your iPhone From iOS 5.x to iOS 5.x (
Windows, Mac)
● How to Re-Restore Your iPad From iOS 5.x to iOS 5.x (
Windows, Mac)
● How to Upgrade Your iPhone 4, 3GS Without Updating the Baseband (
Windows, Mac)
● How to Downgrade Your iPhone 4 From iOS 6.x to iOS 5.x (
Windows, Mac)
...more to come!

(by iClarified)

segunda-feira, outubro 15, 2012

Jailbreak iPhone 3gs IOS 6 (Mac)

These are instructions on how to perform a jailbreak of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 6 using Redsn0w for Mac.

This jailbreak is untethered for old bootrom devices; however, new bootrom devices are tethered. A tethered jailbreak means you will need to connect your device to the computer each time you reboot.

Step One
Create a folder on your desktop called Pwnage

Download the latest version of RedSn0w from
here and place it in the Pwnage folder. Likewise, download the 6.0 firmware from here and place it in the Pwnage folder. (Note: you do not need to download the 6.0 firmware if you are already on iOS 6.0)

Extract the RedSn0w zip file by double clicking it.

Step Two:
If you haven't already updated to iOS 6 then open iTunes from your dock.

Select your iPhone from the list of devices on the left. Now hold down Option and click the Restore button. Restore is preferred as it won't create any wasted space on your iPhone.

Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the 6.0 firmware ipsw. Click the Choose button to continue.

iTunes will now update your iPhone to the new firmware.

**Important: If you want to keep your UltraSn0w unlock then follow
these instructions to update.

Step Three
Right click or control-click the redsn0w application from the redsn0w folder we extracted earlier and choose Open from the popup menu that appears.

Step Four
Once RedSn0w opens ensure your device is connected and click the Jailbreak button

Step Five
Connect your device, turn it off, then click the Next button

Step Six
RedSn0w will now guide you through the steps to get into DFU mode. You can find more help with DFU mode

Hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.

Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until RedSn0w detects the device.

Step Seven
Your iPhone will now be exploited with limera1n.

Step Eight
RedSn0w will now prepare the jailbreak data.

Step Nine
Select Cydia from the list of options and click Next.

Step Ten
Your iPhone will now be rebooted again and RedSn0w will begin uploading the new RAM Disk and Kernel.

Step Eleven
Once this is complete you will be notified that RedSn0w is done.

Once you have jailbroken you will need to rerun redsn0w to boot tethered only if you have a new bootrom iPhone 3GS.

Step One
From the main RedSn0w menu click the Extras button.

Step Two
Select Just boot from the Extras menu to boot tethered and follow the instructions to put your device into DFU mode again for boot.

(by iClarified)

Jailbreak iPhone 3gs IOS 6 Windows

These are instructions on how to perform a jailbreak of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 6 using RedSn0w for Windows.

This jailbreak is untethered for old bootrom devices; however, new bootrom devices are tethered. A tethered jailbreak means you will need to connect your device to the computer each time you reboot.

Step One
Create a folder on your desktop called Pwnage

Download the latest version of RedSn0w from
here and place it in the Pwnage folder. Likewise, download the 6.0 firmware from here and place it in the Pwnage folder. (Note: you do not need to download the 6.0 firmware if you are already on iOS 6.0)

Extract the RedSn0w zip file to the Pwnage folder.

Step Two:
If you haven't already updated to iOS 6 then open iTunes from your dock.

Select your iPhone from the list of devices on the left. Now hold down Shift and click the Restore button. Restore is preferred as it won't create any wasted space on your iPhone.

Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the 6.0 firmware ipsw. Click the Choose button to continue.

iTunes will now update your iPhone to the new firmware.

**Important: If you want to keep your UltraSn0w unlock then follow
these instructions to update.

Step Three
Right click or control-click the redsn0w application from the redsn0w folder we extracted earlier and choose Run as administrator from the popup menu that appears.

Step Four
Once RedSn0w opens ensure your device is connected and click the Jailbreak button

Step Five
Turn OFF your device then click the Next button

Step Six
RedSn0w will now guide you through the steps to get into DFU mode. You can find more help with DFU mode

Hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.

Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until RedSn0w detects the device.

Step Seven
Your iPhone will now be exploited with limera1n.

Step Eight
RedSn0w will now prepare the jailbreak data.

Step Nine
Select Cydia from the list of options and click Next.

Step Ten
Your iPhone will now be rebooted again and RedSn0w will begin uploading the new RAM Disk and Kernel.

Step Eleven
Once this is complete you will be notified that RedSn0w is done.

Once you have jailbroken you will need to rerun redsn0w to boot tethered only if you have a new bootrom iPhone 3GS.

Step One
From the main RedSn0w menu click the Extras button.

Step Two
Select Just boot from the Extras menu to boot tethered and follow the instructions to put your device into DFU mode again for boot.

(by iClarified)


By Donating Bitcoins to: 1KLAr3gCHKHJwsAxeYMic78Ui3wPaFCwiq