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domingo, setembro 22, 2013

iPhone5s inside spare parts



  • 4" 1136x640 pixel (326 ppi) Retina display
  • Apple A6 system on a chip (SoC)
  • 8 megapixel iSight camera
  • 8-pin 16-pin Lightning connector
  • 4G LTE connectivity
  • iOS 6

  • There won't be any mistaking an iPhone 5 for an iPhone 4 or 4S. A lot has changed on the outside of the iPhone.
  • The most obvious alteration to the bottom of the phone is the exchange of the large 30-pin dock connector for the diminutive Lightning connector.
  • The headphone jack is now on the bottom of the iPhone, right next to the updated speaker microphone grille—a series of holes rather than a mesh-covered slot.
  • Other notable differences are the slate bezel, as opposed to the stainless steel that wrapped around the 4S, and the chamfered edges between the bezel and the front/rear cases.

The iPhone 5S battery is capable of 10 hours of calls, +2 h iPhone 5.

The camara has a sensor 15% bigger, that can capture 10 frames per sec. and film HD  720p.


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