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segunda-feira, fevereiro 18, 2013

Best Installous Alternative - ZEUSMOS

After the bad news we all heard about closing the well known piracy Installous app that allowed users to install all paid App Store apps for free without paying a cent, and after I heard these bad news I decided to surf the web looking for any Installous alternatives that can help users to install any paid apps without paying money.. So I have got the following piracy apps that could help you..

1. Zeusmos

 Only a couple of days ago we reported that Installous, one of the most popular apps in Cydia for pirating apps had been shut down. Many people called the shutting down of Installous a small victory against piracy. But it turns out this “victory” has been short lived. Since the shutting down of Installous, many more piracy-related apps have come fourth. One of these pirate apps is called Zeusmos.
So how can you download Zeusmos on your iPhone ? Well here’s how:
STEP 1: Open Cydia store and go to Manage—>Sources.
STEP 2: Now tap on ‘Edit’ then add the following repo to Cydia: ihacksrepo.com and then tap on Add Source.
STEP 3: Now search for ‘Zeusmose’ on Cydia and download it..
STEP 4: That’s it, now and after you restart Springboard you should see Zeusmos app available at your iPhone Springboard.

2- Vshare or App VV

Probably everyone heard about the popular piracy app which called Vshare 
Those of you who follow jailbreak related news will already know this app. App VV or mostly commonly known as Vshare is quite a popular app in the Cydia store. Besides Installous, Vshare and AppCake are the most popular methods to download paid apps for free.
 Vshare works mostly the same way as Installous did. If you have used Installous then UI (User Interface) of Vshare will be familiar to you. Although it does allow you to download paid apps but like AppCake, most of the content is in Chinese and the translation is to a minimum. You can grab Vshare from Cydia store by adding the following repo (Try to search for the app before adding the repo) :http://repocydia.com 
3-AppCake: The third Installlous alternative app called AppCake that most of you heard about it and for me I hate using it as it is slow but all the apps works, only if you are patient then you can try AppCake as it will be useful for you but you will have to wait as loading takes a long time..
 (jailbreak now)

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!


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