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terça-feira, janeiro 22, 2013

Install 06.15.00 iPad baseband on iPhone 3G/3GS

How to Install 06.15.00 iPad baseband on iPhone 3G/3GS 

By now, I assume that you know the consequences of installing 6.15.00 on your iPhone 3G or 3GS. Make sure you check your iPhone's production year and week here before installing iPad baseband. If your iPhone 3GS 16 or 32 GB was made after week 35 of 2011 or a new 8GB iPhone 3GS made after week 28 of 2011, DONOT install this baseband as it will brick your device. iPhone 3G users can install this without worrying about anything.
So lets head over to the tutorial to flash/install 06.15.00 baseband on iPhone 3G/3GS.

Things you need:
  • Sn0wbreeze
  • Firmware IPSW file that you want on your iPhone. Download here. I will be using  iOS 4.2.1 for iPhone 3G in this tutorial.
  • Internet connection

Once you have downloaded Sn0wbreeze, run it.

Click Browser for and IPSW and select the firmware ipsw file you downloaded for your iPhone. Once you select the file, sn0wbreeze will verify that file and will tell you if it is ok.

Click the blue arrow to proceed. On the next screen, choose Expert Mode and then Unlocks.
Check Install 06.15.00 iPad basenad and then select blue arrow to proceed. 

On the next screen, you will be asked to select boot or recovery logos, simply ignore this and keep clicking blue arrow until you get back to the Expert mode screen. Choose Build IPSW this time.

Sn0wbreeze is now building custom IPSW for your iPhone which includes baseband 6.15.00. Once it does, you will be asked to plug in your iPhone and follow the on-screen instructions to put your iPhone into pwned DFU mode.

Once in DFU mode, open up iTunes. It will detect your device into recovery mode. Now hold down SHIFT key and then click on Restore button. A pop up window will get open. Select the custom IPSW file that was build by snw0breeze which can be found on your desktop.

That's it. iTunes will now restore your device with iPad baseband in it. After that, you can use ultrasn0w to unlock your iPhone. Enjoy.

By IphoneUnlock PT na sua continua ajuda á comunidade iPhone user em Portugal! Se gostou do Post veja também a nossa página de Facebook e clique gosto!ou like!


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