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sexta-feira, dezembro 21, 2012

f0recast - Veja se pode desbloquear o seu telemóvel!

Today iH8sn0w the well known hacker who is behind the popular Sn0wbreeze jailbreak tool, right now iH8sn0w has just announced pushing a new update for his popular f0recast utility. Version 1.4 of the app brings about a number of new features, including the ability to view SHSH blob availability…

Check out this quick video which shows the new features that have been added to the new update of F0recast:

In addition to being able to tell you if your device is jailbreakable or not, f0recast now:
  • Shows available SHSH blobs stored on Cydia’s TSS server.
  • Provides a link to the list of firmwares available for the connected device.
  • Supports the latest devices (iPhone 5, iPod touch 5, iPad mini, etc).
  • Has a built-in update checker
Version 1.4 also received a few UI changes, support for the latest jailbreaking scenarios (which devices and iOS versions can be jailbroken, tethered and untethered), and lost the ability to check factory unlock status due to legality reasons.So in case you are interested you can download the new update of F0recast from iH8sn0w’s official page..
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